With the Neptune Mk2, the original Neptune has been
even more improved and carries internal and general improvements. It has been
- Much better quality smooth potentiometer
- New graphics
- Soft touch knobs
- High efficiency 5mm leds
- 2.2mm travel push switches for optimal
optical feedback
- Keyfollow switch has been added
- Freerun switch to have Osz3 free of the
keyboard as the ProTone had
- Better Noise generator which is still
a true noise generator with a spectrum now up to 100kHz
- Volume potentiometer has been added
- Power on Switch
- Several possibilities for additional manual
Also original Neptune already had:
- Pure DC Design means no capacitors in
the signal flow
- Pure analog technique
- Low noise design
- High quality cascade filter
- True noise generator (NOT digital noise)
- MIDI Signal regeneration means the incoming
MIDI signal is
newly generated to MIDI Thru, not only amplified.
The Neptune Mk2 still carry these advantages/features.
Complete Performance Features list:
Voltage Controlled Oscillator 1 and 2:
- Precise temperature stable
- Sawtooth and Rectangular Waves
- 4 Octave Range Switch for Osc2
- Ring Modulation
- Sync for Osc 2
- External Signal Input for Osc 2
White Noise Generator
- Spectrum from 0 Hz (DC) to 100kHz
- True analog random noise, no digital shift
register noise
- Slide Time from 0 sec to 10 sec
- Switch able by MIDI Controller 65 (Portamento)
Voltage Controlled Oscillator 3 / LFO:
- Osc 3 can be switched between LFO (slow)
and Oscillator Modus (fast)
- 5 Shapes Sawtooth, Triangular, Rectangular,
Random and Noise. Osc 2 can also be a Modulation Source; through this
also external Signals can be a Modulation Source.
- Freerun Button keeps Osc 3 free of the
- LFO MIDI Clock Sync
- 4 Modulation targets: Osc 1 and 2, Cutoff
and Mixer
- Blue led
Voltage Controlled Filter:
- 24 dB precision cascade Filter with Highpass
and Lowpass Modes
- Self resonating
- Keyfollow switch 0% - 50% - 100%
The two Filter and VCA Envelopes:
- Complete and very fast ADSR Envelopes
with Attack, Decay and Release times in the Range of 5 millisec to 20
- For the Filter with Positive or Negative
- Gate led
- Distortion and Fuzzer Effect Switch
- Effect level potentiometer from no effect
to max
VCA and Volume:
- Volume potentiometer
- Low noise and low distortion VCA
- Power on switch
- Power on led
- 5 Octave Range precise MIDI to CV Converter
- MIDI controlled Cutoff (#2), Modulation
(#1) and Portamento (#65)
- Receive Sustain (#64) and Pitch bend instruction
- Velocity Sensitive
- Filter dynamic operation
- Re-trigger function
- Filter TB303 Velocity mode
- Highest or last note priority
- CV and Gate In/Output (switch able)
- Pure Analogue Technology
- 2 Unit Rack mount Enclosure
- Anodized colored 3mm Front Panel
Additional manual change possibilities
(described in the Service manual) :
- Having PWM on Square Wave on Osc1,2 or
- Osc3 Sync with Osc1 or Osc2
- Even faster Envelopes (yes some people
wants that)
- Increase tune range for Osc1..Osc3
- Additional signal inputs and outputs (for
connection with your modular system for instance)
- General in/outputs of Oscillators, Envelopes,
Filter, power supply, ...
- There are already pre worked, unused holes on
rear side