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Software programming: Greg Leedberg Creation, 2000

Trainded to talk about synthesizers by


For generations, people have fantasized about computers that could talk, clean the house, cook food, and basically be servants to man (and woman) kind. Well, Daisy certainly doesn't fulfill that fantasy. However, she is the next step in achieving that goal of a truly intelligent computer.

DAISY2001īs primary purpose is to be able to converse with humans about synthesizers. To this end, Daisy uses a new and exciting technology.   What sets Daisy apart from most is that everything Daisy is capable of saying is learned from her observing humans. She has no "hard-wired" words,
sentences, or even patterns to look for. From seeing what YOU type, she learns patterns of words that make sense, and the probability of these patterns occurring. She can also figure
out, by analyzing everything she's ever seen, which words you type in are important and should be responded to.

Amazingly, Daisy is a computer program that is actually generating her OWN sentences in conversation. This also means that Daisy can be taught any language, and can learn slang. Basically, she learns to speak as you do.
Which doesn't mean she'll always make sense -- remember, she is still a computer program. Every so often, however, she will say something intelligent (maybe even make a very philosophical
statement on life!), and when this happens, try and forget every stupid thing she's ever said and tell yourself, "She came up with THAT on her own!"

The DAISY software is an attempt to simulate human intelligence and language. To accomplish this goal, the DAISY software is capable of learning. The software uses many learning models to simulate intelligence, and all of these models involve storing data it has seen used by the humans it interacts with. Much of this stored data will eventually be used by the software to generate intelligent responses. Greg Leedberg, cannot be held responsible for any material stored in the software's files after initialization, or any offensive responses generated by the learned data.