
Module A-147 (VCLFO) is a voltage controlled low frequency oscillator, which can produce cyclical control voltages over a 0.01Hz to 50Hz frequency range. The VCLFO can be patched as a modulation source for a wide range of modules (for instance, modulation of VCO pulse-width or frequency, VCF cut-off frequency, VCA amplitude modulation) and as a provider of repetitive or clock voltages (for instance to drive the A-161 clock sequencer).
Four waveforms are available: triangle, sine, square, and falling sawtooth waves.
The VCLFO's frequency can be controlled by hand, but also by voltage control.
You can sync the VCLFO to another waveform by connecting the other waveform (eg another LFO) to the VCLFO's reset input.

For more detailed information please look at the English user's guide alternatively as html file (for browser view) or as pdf file (for printout).

Width: 8HP, Current: 40mA